Complete your Financial Aid File

  1. Complete a FAFSA for the academic year you are attending.
  2. Check your file on Loboweb following these instructions.
  3. Submit missing documents or forms one of two ways:
    1. Securely Upload documents to our office
    2. Complete one of our online forms
  4. Allow 3-5 business days for processing forms before checking for any awards. Any student with an incomplete file will not be awarded.
  5. Make sure to accept any scholarship awards by the deadline (if awarded a scholarship an email will be sent with instructions on accepting)
    *Note: The Lottery Scholarship requires no acceptance

What dates do I need to keep in mind?

Important Dates

  • Dec 31, 2023: The 2024-2025 FAFSA becomes available
  • Mar 1, 2024: FAFSA completion priority date
  • June 1, 2024: Scholarship Acceptance Deadline

What is FAFSA Verification?

  • FAFSA Verification is the process by which UNM confirms the data reported on your FAFSA is accurate. UNM has the authority to contact you for documentation that supports income and other information that you reported. We are required by federal regulation to verify a certain number of students' FAFSA information.
  • You will receive an email communication to your UNM email account (and for incoming freshmen you will also receive an email at the email address you provided to UNM upon submitting your Admission Application) if you were selected for Verification and required to submit additional documentation.

Here is a list of Quick links that may assist you:

How Do I..


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Contact Us:

UNM Financial Aid
MSC11 6315
1 University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Toll Free: 1-800-CALLUNM
Phone No: (505)-277-8900
Fax No: 505-277-6326